【每日一题20220412】回文数字 #5

:mage:‍ 回文是指一段数字或者文本,正着读和倒着读都是相同的,例如2002110011都是回文数字。 请编写一个函数,接收一个数字参数num,判断该数字经过重新组合后是否可以变成一个回文数字。 个位数字(0~9)不被视为回文数字。


题目来源:CodeWars-Numerical Palindrome #5

def solution(num: int)-> bool:
    # your code here

assert solution(1331) is True
assert solution(2121) is True
assert solution(3357665) is True
assert solution(13245) is False
solution(num: int)-> bool:
    s = str(num)

    if not isinstance(num, int) or num < 0:
        return "Not valid"

    if num > 9 and sum(s.count(x) % 2 for x in set(s)) < 2:
        return True
        return False
1 个赞

def solution(n):
if n<11:
return False
for i in list(set(s)):
If s.count(i)!=0:
if times >1:
return False
return True

def solution(num: int)-> bool:
    # your code here
    if num < 10:
        return False
        l = []
        for i in set(str(num)):
            if str(num).count(i) % 2 != 0 and len(str(num)) % 2 == 0:    
                return False
            if str(num).count(i) % 2 != 0 and len(str(num)) % 2 == 1:
                if len(l) > 1:
                    return False
            return True

assert solution(1331) is True
assert solution(2121) is True
assert solution(3357665) is True
assert solution(13245) is False
def solution(num: int) -> bool:
    if len(str(num)) <= 1:
        return False
        list_true = [True for i in range(len(str(num))) for j in range(i + 2, len(str(num)) + 1) if
                     str(num)[i:j] == str(num)[i:j][::-1] and str(num)[i:j][0] != '0' and str(num)[i:j][
                         -1] != '0']
        if list_true != []:
            return True
            return False

assert solution(1331) is True
assert solution(2121) is True
assert solution(3357665) is True
assert solution(13245) is False
# Daily_20220412
def solution(num: int)-> bool:
    # your code here
    if isinstance(num, int) and num > 0:
        if num <= 10:
            return False
            num_list = list(str(num))
            repeat_num = set()
            for i in range(0, len(num_list)):
                if num_list[i] in num_list[i + 1:]:
            if len(set(num_list).difference(repeat_num)) <= 1:
                return True
                return False
        return "Not valid"

assert solution(1331) is True
assert solution(2121) is True
assert solution(3357665) is True
assert solution(13245) is False
assert solution(15577666) is False


import itertools
def solution(num: int)-> bool:
    if num < 10:
        return False
        for i in set(''.join(i) for i in itertools.permutations(str(num))):
            if i == i[::-1]:
                return True
        return False


def solution(num: int) -> bool:
    if not isinstance(num, int) or num < 10:
        return False

    # 抓单身🐶啦 T_T,多于一个就报警
    count_list = [(str(num).count(n)) % 2 for n in set(str(num))]
    return True if count_list.count(1) <= 1 else False
1 个赞
def solution(num: int)-> bool:
    # your code here
    num = str(num)
    a = 0
    b = 0
    if len(num) == 1:
        return False
    if int(num) == int(num[::-1]):
        return True
    for i in set(num):
        if num.count(i) % 2 == 0:
            a = a + 2
        elif num.count(i) % 2 == 1:
            b = b + 1
    if a != 0 and b == 0:
        return True
    elif a == 0 and b != 0:
        return False
    elif a % 2 == 0 and b % 2 ==1:
        return True
        return False

assert solution(1331) is True
assert solution(2121) is True
assert solution(3357665) is True
assert solution(13245) is False

from itertools import permutations

def fun(num: str) -> bool:
    if num == ''.join(reversed(num)) and len(num) > 1:
        return True
        return False

def solution(num: int) -> bool:
    num_list = list(str(num))
    perm = permutations(num_list)
    for x in perm:
        if fun(''.join(x)):
            return True
    return False

assert solution(1331) is True
assert solution(2121) is True
assert solution(3357665) is True
assert solution(13245) is False
def solution(num: int) -> bool:
    num_list = list(str(num))
    num_set = set(num_list)
    n = 0
    for i in num_set:
        if num_list.count(i) % 2 != 0:
            n += 1
    if n > 1:
        return False
        return True

assert solution(1331) is True
assert solution(2121) is True
assert solution(3357665) is True
assert solution(13245) is False