#create database if not exists test_db character set = utf8;
#show databases;
#use hogwarts_stu;
#alter database hogwarts_stu character set = GBK;
#drop database if exists test_db;
#create table user_wm (id int not null default 0 primary key, name varchar(20) not null default “姓名”, age int not null default 0, sex varchar(2) not null default “性别”, address varchar(20) null default “地址”);
#create table user_wm1 like user_wm;
#show tables;
#describe user_wm;
#describe user_wm name;
#alter table user_wm add email varchar(20) null default “邮箱”;
#alter table user_wm modify email char(20);
#alter table user_wm change email email1 char(20);
#alter table user_wm change email1 email char(20) default “邮箱1”;
#alter table user_wm drop email;
#alter table user_wm rename as user_wangmin;
#rename table user_wangmin to user_wm;
#drop table user_wm;
#select * from user_wm;
#select name, age, sex from user_wm;
#select name as name1 , age as age1 , sex as sex1 from user_wm user_wm2;
#select distinct sex, address from user_wm;
#select id , age+3 from user_wm;
#select name, sex, address from user_wm where age <> 27;
#条件查询-范围限定(between … and …)
#select name, sex, address from user_wm where age between 27 and 28;
#select name, sex, address from user_wm where age in (27,28);
#select name, sex, age from user_wm where address is null;
#select name, sex, age from user_wm where address is not null;
#条件查询-逻辑运算符-多个条件同时成立(and 或 &&)
#select name, age, sex from user_wm where sex = “男” and address is not null;
#条件查询-逻辑运算符-多个条件任一成立(or 或 ||)
#select name, age, sex from user_wm where sex = “男” or address is not null;
#select name, age from user_wm where not sex = “男”;
#select name, sex, address from user_wm where address like “%省%市%”;
#select name, sex, address from user_wm where address like ‘浙江省杭州_’;
#select id, name, sex, address from user_wm where id between 1 and 5 order by id asc;
#select id, name, sex, address from user_wm where id between 1 and 5 order by id desc;
#select id, name, age, sex, address from user_wm where id between 0 and 1 and age in (26,27) order by id desc, age desc;
#条件查询-聚合函数-统计指定列不为null的记录行数(count()、count(列名)、count(distinct 列名))
#select count() from user_wm where sex = “男”;
#insert into user_wm (id, name, age, sex, address) values (0, “wangmin”, 26, “男”, “浙江省杭州市”),(1, “liuyi”, 27, “女”, “湖南省湘潭市”),(2, “test2”, 28, “女”, null);
#insert into user_wm values (2,“test2”, 31, “男”, “浙江省杭州市”), (3,“test3”, 32, “女”, “浙江省杭州市”);
#insert into user_wm (id, name, age, sex) values (4, “test4”, 30, “女”);
#set sql_safe_updates = 0;
#update user_wm set age = 25 , sex = “男”;
#update user_wm set name = “test0”, age = “0”, sex = “男”, address = “湖南省湘潭市”;
#update user_wm set name = “wangmin” where sex = “男”;
#update user_wm set name = “test4”, age = “30”, sex = “男”, address = “浙江省杭州市” where id = “0”;
#delete from user_wm where id = 5;
#truncate table user_wm;