


  505  sudo ./gor --input-raw :8000 --output-file=requests.gor
  506  sudo gor --input-raw :8000 --output-file=requests.gor
  507  less requests_0.gor
  508  sudo gor --input-file=requests.gor  --output-http="http://localhost:8001"
  509  sudo gor --input-file=requests.gor  --output-http=""
  510  gor --input-file=requests_0.gor  --output-http=""
  511  gor --input-file=requests_0.gor  --output-http=""
  512  gor --input-file "requests_0.gor|1000%"  --output-http=""
  513  gor --input-file "requests_0.gor|10000%"  --output-http=""


Gor is a simple http traffic replication tool written in Go. Its main goal is to replay traffic from production servers to staging and dev environments.
Project page: https://github.com/buger/gor
Author: <Leonid Bugaev> leonsbox@gmail.com
Current Version: 1.0.0

  -copy-buffer-size int
    	Set the buffer size for an individual request (default 5M) (default 5242880)
  -cpuprofile string
    	write cpu profile to file
  -debug verbose
    	Turn on debug output, shows all intercepted traffic. Works only when with verbose flag
  -exit-after duration
    	exit after specified duration
  -http-allow-header value
    	A regexp to match a specific header against. Requests with non-matching headers will be dropped:
    		 gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-allow-header api-version:^v1
  -http-allow-method value
    	Whitelist of HTTP methods to replay. Anything else will be dropped:
    		gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-allow-method GET --http-allow-method OPTIONS
  -http-allow-url value
    	A regexp to match requests against. Filter get matched against full url with domain. Anything else will be dropped:
    		 gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-allow-url ^www.
  -http-basic-auth-filter value
    	A regexp to match the decoded basic auth string against. Requests with non-matching headers will be dropped:
    		 gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-basic-auth-filter "^customer[0-9].*"
  -http-disallow-header value
    	A regexp to match a specific header against. Requests with matching headers will be dropped:
    		 gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-disallow-header "User-Agent: Replayed by Gor"
  -http-disallow-url value
    	A regexp to match requests against. Filter get matched against full url with domain. Anything else will be forwarded:
    		 gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-disallow-url ^www.
  -http-header-limiter value
    	Takes a fraction of requests, consistently taking or rejecting a request based on the FNV32-1A hash of a specific header:
    		 gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-header-limiter user-id:25%
    	Normally gor replaces the Host http header with the host supplied with --output-http.  This option disables that behavior, preserving the original Host header.
  -http-param-limiter value
    	Takes a fraction of requests, consistently taking or rejecting a request based on the FNV32-1A hash of a specific GET param:
    		 gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-param-limiter user_id:25%
  -http-pprof :8181
    	Enable profiling. Starts  http server on specified port, exposing special /debug/pprof endpoint. Example: :8181
  -http-rewrite-header value
    	Rewrite the request header based on a mapping:
    		gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-rewrite-header Host: (.*).example.com,$1.beta.example.com
  -http-rewrite-url value
    	Rewrite the request url based on a mapping:
    		gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-rewrite-url /v1/user/([^\/]+)/ping:/v2/user/$1/ping
  -http-set-header value
    	Inject additional headers to http reqest:
    		gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-set-header 'User-Agent: Gor'
  -http-set-param value
    	Set request url param, if param already exists it will be overwritten:
    		gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --http-set-param api_key=1
  -input-dummy value
    	Used for testing outputs. Emits 'Get /' request every 1s
  -input-file value
    	Read requests from file: 
    		gor --input-file ./requests.gor --output-http staging.com
    	Loop input files, useful for performance testing.
  -input-kafka-host string
    	Send request and response stats to Kafka:
    		gor --output-stdout --input-kafka-host ','
    	If turned on, it will assume that messages coming in JSON format rather than  GoReplay text format.
  -input-kafka-topic string
    	Send request and response stats to Kafka:
    		gor --output-stdout --input-kafka-topic 'kafka-log'
  -input-raw value
    	Capture traffic from given port (use RAW sockets and require *sudo* access):
    		# Capture traffic from 8080 port
    		gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com
  -input-raw-bpf-filter string
    	BPF filter to write custom expressions. Can be useful in case of non standard network interfaces like tunneling or SPAN port. Example: --input-raw-bpf-filter 'dst port 80'
  -input-raw-buffer-size int
    	Controls size of the OS buffer (in bytes) which holds packets until they dispatched. Default value depends by system: in Linux around 2MB. If you see big package drop, increase this value.
  -input-raw-engine libpcap
    	Intercept traffic using libpcap (default), and `raw_socket` (default "libpcap")
  -input-raw-expire duration
    	How much it should wait for the last TCP packet, till consider that TCP message complete. (default 2s)
    	Set pcap interface to immediate mode.
    	Override the capture snaplen to be 64k. Required for some Virtualized environments
  -input-raw-realip-header string
    	If not blank, injects header with given name and real IP value to the request payload. Usually this header should be named: X-Real-IP
  -input-raw-timestamp-type string
    	Possible values: PCAP_TSTAMP_HOST, PCAP_TSTAMP_HOST_LOWPREC, PCAP_TSTAMP_HOST_HIPREC, PCAP_TSTAMP_ADAPTER, PCAP_TSTAMP_ADAPTER_UNSYNCED. This values not supported on all systems, GoReplay will tell you available values of you put wrong one.
    	If turned on Gor will track responses in addition to requests, and they will be available to middleware and file output.
  -input-tcp value
    	Used for internal communication between Gor instances. Example: 
    		# Receive requests from other Gor instances on 28020 port, and redirect output to staging
    		gor --input-tcp :28020 --output-http staging.com
  -input-tcp-certificate string
    	Path to PEM encoded certificate file. Used when TLS turned on.
  -input-tcp-certificate-key string
    	Path to PEM encoded certificate key file. Used when TLS turned on.
    	Turn on TLS security. Do not forget to specify certificate and key files.
  -memprofile string
    	write memory profile to this file
  -middleware string
    	Used for modifying traffic using external command
  -output-dummy value
    	DEPRECATED: use --output-stdout instead
  -output-file value
    	Write incoming requests to file: 
    		gor --input-raw :80 --output-file ./requests.gor
    	The flushed chunk is appended to existence file or not. 
  -output-file-flush-interval duration
    	Interval for forcing buffer flush to the file, default: 1s. (default 1s)
  -output-file-max-size-limit value
    	Max size of output file, Default: 1TB (default -1)
  -output-file-queue-limit int
    	The length of the chunk queue. Default: 256 (default 256)
  -output-file-size-limit value
    	Size of each chunk. Default: 32mb (default 33554432)
  -output-http value
    	Forwards incoming requests to given http address.
    		# Redirect all incoming requests to staging.com address 
    		gor --input-raw :80 --output-http http://staging.com
    	Use standard Go client, instead of built-in implementation. Can be slower, but more compatible.
    	Enables http debug output.
  -output-http-elasticsearch string
    	Send request and response stats to ElasticSearch:
    		gor --input-raw :8080 --output-http staging.com --output-http-elasticsearch 'es_host:api_port/index_name'
  -output-http-header --output-http-header
    	WARNING: --output-http-header DEPRECATED, use `--http-set-header` instead
  -output-http-header-filter --output-http-header-filter
    	WARNING: --output-http-header-filter DEPRECATED, use `--http-allow-header` instead
  -output-http-header-hash-filter output-http-header-hash-filter
    	WARNING: output-http-header-hash-filter DEPRECATED, use `--http-header-hash-limiter` instead
  -output-http-method --output-http-method
    	WARNING: --output-http-method DEPRECATED, use `--http-allow-method` instead
  -output-http-queue-len int
    	Number of requests that can be queued for output, if all workers are busy. default = 1000 (default 1000)
  -output-http-redirects int
    	Enable how often redirects should be followed.
  -output-http-response-buffer int
    	HTTP response buffer size, all data after this size will be discarded.
  -output-http-rewrite-url --output-http-rewrite-url
    	WARNING: --output-http-rewrite-url DEPRECATED, use `--http-rewrite-url` instead
    	Report http output queue stats to console every N milliseconds. See output-http-stats-ms
  -output-http-stats-ms int
    	Report http output queue stats to console every N milliseconds. default: 5000 (default 5000)
  -output-http-timeout duration
    	Specify HTTP request/response timeout. By default 5s. Example: --output-http-timeout 30s (default 5s)
    	If turned on, HTTP output responses will be set to all outputs like stdout, file and etc.
  -output-http-url-regexp --output-http-url-regexp
    	WARNING: --output-http-url-regexp DEPRECATED, use `--http-allow-url` instead
  -output-http-workers int
    	Gor uses dynamic worker scaling. Enter a number to set a maximum number of workers. default = 0 = unlimited.
  -output-http-workers-min int
    	Gor uses dynamic worker scaling. Enter a number to set a minimum number of workers. default = 1.
  -output-kafka-host string
    	Read request and response stats from Kafka:
    		gor --input-raw :8080 --output-kafka-host ','
    	If turned on, it will serialize messages from GoReplay text format to JSON.
  -output-kafka-topic string
    	Read request and response stats from Kafka:
    		gor --input-raw :8080 --output-kafka-topic 'kafka-log'
    	Used for testing inputs. Drops all requests.
    	Used for testing inputs. Just prints to console data coming from inputs.
  -output-tcp value
    	Used for internal communication between Gor instances. Example: 
    		# Listen for requests on 80 port and forward them to other Gor instance on 28020 port
    		gor --input-raw :80 --output-tcp replay.local:28020
    	Use TLS secure connection. --input-file on another end should have TLS turned on as well.
    	Report TCP output queue stats to console every 5 seconds.
    	If enabled, will automatically decode requests and responses with: Content-Encodning: gzip and Transfer-Encoding: chunked. Useful for debugging, in conjuction with --output-stdout
  -split-output true
    	By default each output gets same traffic. If set to true it splits traffic equally among all outputs.
    	Turn on queue stats output
    	Turn on more verbose output

思寒老师,我看了下这个gor,自己本地也使用了一下,感觉效果不错,也想了一下,如果这个工具应用在pod中 这个该如何去做呢,需要每个pod都进行安装么,可以 利用dockerfile文件的方式下载安装并执行么(这个东西如果在pod中启用去监听,会和其他pod中监听的端口产生冲突么), 还是说 还有什么更好的办法,谢谢老师解答