title: “Setting up your own”
weight: 2
Different Modes of Grid setup in Selenium 4:
- Standalone
- Hub and Node
- Distributed
- Docker
Standalone Mode:
The new Selenium Server Jar contains everything you’d need to run a grid. It is also the easiest mode to spin up a Selenium Grid. By default the server will be listening on http://localhost:4444, and that’s the URL you should point your RemoteWebDriver tests. The server will detect the available drivers that it can use from the System PATH
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar standalone
Hub and Node Mode:
Start the Hub:
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar hub
Register a Node:
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar node --detect-drivers
Query Selenium Grid:
In Selenium 4, we’ve also added GraphQL, a new way to query the necessary data easily and get exactly the same.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "query": "{grid{uri}}" }' -s http://localhost:4444/graphql | jq .
Distributed Mode:
Step 1: Firstly, start the Event Bus, it serves as a communication path to other Grid components in subsequent steps.
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar event-bus
Step 2: Start the session map, which is responsible for mapping session IDs to the node the session is running on:
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar sessions
Step 3: Start the Distributor. All the nodes are attached as part of Distributor process. It is responsible for assigning a node, when a create session request in invoked.
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar distributor --sessions http://localhost:5556 --bind-bus false
Step 4: Next step is to start the Router, an address that you’d expose to web
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar router --sessions http://localhost:5556 --distributor http://localhost:5553
Step 5: Finally, add a Node
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar node --detect-drivers
Start Standalone Grid via Docker Images
You can just start a node by the following command:
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-1.jar node -D selenium/standalone-firefox:latest '{"browserName": "firefox"}'
You can start the Selenium server and delegate it to docker for creating new instances:
java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar standalone -D selenium/standalone-firefox:latest '{"browserName": "firefox"}' --detect-drivers false