利用 Jenkins 实现 postman 接口测试持续集成


  1. 准备软件环境
  2. 准备测试脚本
  3. Newman执行脚本
  4. 创建Jenkins项目



  1. 安装Jenkins
  • Docker安装
  • 直接运行war包 java -jar jenkins_located_path/jenkins.war --httpPort=88 &
  1. 安装newman
    使用命令npm install -g newman全局安装工具newman。前提是已安装nodejs和npm。也可以通过淘宝NPM镜像安装newman,npm install -g newman
    使用命令newman -v检查是否安装成功。
  2. 安装html报告工具
    使用命令npm install -g newman-reporter-html安装html报告模板,方便查看测试用例执行结果



  1. 测试用例的脚本(collection)
  • 通过postman导出collection的Json格式,查看官网文档
  • 获取脚本(collection)的URL地址,查看官方文档
  1. 环境变量(enviroment)
    Postman的“MANAGE ENVIRONMENTS”中导出对应的环境变量,Json格式。
  2. 全局变量(global)
    Postman的“MANAGE ENVIRONMENTS”中下载全局变量,Json格式。


利用newman run -h命令查看Newman执行脚本的使用说明。

ubuntu001:~$ newman run -h

  Usage: run <collection> [options]

  URL or path to a Postman Collection.


    -e, --environment <path>        Specify a URL or Path to a Postman Environment.
    -g, --globals <path>            Specify a URL or Path to a file containing Postman Globals.
    --folder <path>                 Specify folder to run from a collection. Can be specified multiple times to run multiple folders (default: )
    -r, --reporters [reporters]     Specify the reporters to use for this run. (default: cli)
    -n, --iteration-count <n>       Define the number of iterations to run.
    -d, --iteration-data <path>     Specify a data file to use for iterations (either json or csv).
    --export-environment <path>     Exports the environment to a file after completing the run.
    --export-globals <path>         Specify an output file to dump Globals before exiting.
    --export-collection <path>      Specify an output file to save the executed collection
    --postman-api-key <apiKey>      API Key used to load the resources from the Postman API.
    --delay-request [n]             Specify the extent of delay between requests (milliseconds) (default: 0)
    --bail [modifiers]              Specify whether or not to gracefully stop a collection run on encountering an errorand whether to end the run with an error based on the optional modifier.
    -x , --suppress-exit-code       Specify whether or not to override the default exit code for the current run.
    --silent                        Prevents newman from showing output to CLI.
    --disable-unicode               Forces unicode compliant symbols to be replaced by their plain text equivalents
    --global-var <value>            Allows the specification of global variables via the command line, in a key=value format (default: )
    --color <value>                 Enable/Disable colored output. (auto|on|off) (default: auto)
    --timeout [n]                   Specify a timeout for collection run (in milliseconds) (default: 0)
    --timeout-request [n]           Specify a timeout for requests (in milliseconds). (default: 0)
    --timeout-script [n]            Specify a timeout for script (in milliseconds). (default: 0)
    --ignore-redirects              If present, Newman will not follow HTTP Redirects.
    -k, --insecure                  Disables SSL validations.
    --ssl-client-cert <path>        Specify the path to the Client SSL certificate. Supports .cert and .pfx files.
    --ssl-client-key <path>         Specify the path to the Client SSL key (not needed for .pfx files)
    --ssl-client-passphrase <path>  Specify the Client SSL passphrase (optional, needed for passphrase protected keys).
    -h, --help                      output usage information


  • 必填参数<collection>,测试脚本(collection)的Json格式文件的路径,或者URL地址
  • 选填参数-e, --environment <path>,指定环境变量的Json格式文件的路径或者URL地址
  • 选填参数-g, --globals <path>,指定全局变量的Json格式文件的路径或者URL地址
  • 选填参数-r, --reporters [reporters],指定测试报告的文件格式,默认是cli(命令行输出),还支持html,Json格式
  • 选填参数-n, --iteration-count <n>,定义测试脚本执行的次数,默认是1


newman run APITestForAPP.postman_collection.json -e APP.dev_environment.json -g postman_globals.json -r cli,html --reporter-html-export report/reportAPP.html


│                         │ executed │   failed │
│              iterations │        1 │        0 │
│                requests │       40 │        0 │
│            test-scripts │       80 │        0 │
│      prerequest-scripts │       40 │        0 │
│              assertions │      121 │        0 │
│ total run duration: 4.4s                      │
│ total data received: 11.31KB (approx)         │
│ average response time: 49ms                   │


newman run https://www.getpostman.com/collections/e260b7ccb7ee71eb761a -e APP.dev_environment.json -g postman_globals.json -r cli,html --reporter-html-export report/reportAPP.html


新建一个流水线项目(Pipeline),具体的创建过程可参见Jenkins创建流水线 (Pipeline) 项目的脚本。项目中,接口的变更涉及到3个客户端,每个端的URL地址的域不同,接口实现相同。一次接口测试中,最好3个端的接口均运行。Jenkins的Pipeline脚本如下:

node('229') {

    stage('Preparation') {
        git credentialsId: '6a9***8-6bf7-445e-aa78-94****4', url: 'http://gitlab.****.com/****/testcase_***_APITest.git'
    stage('testWebAPI') {
    catchError {
            sh '''#!/bin/bash -il
            newman run APITestForWeb.postman_collection.json -e Web.dev_environment.json -g postman_globals.json -r cli,html --reporter-html-export report/reportWeb.html
        if (currentBuild.result == 'FAILURE')
            step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true,
            recipients: emailextrecipients([[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'],
                                          [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']])])


    stage('testAppAPI') {
        catchError {
            sh '''#!/bin/bash -il
            newman run APITestForAPP.postman_collection.json -e APP.dev_environment.json -g postman_globals.json -r cli,html --reporter-html-export report/reportAPP.html
        if (currentBuild.result == 'FAILURE')
            step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true,
            recipients: emailextrecipients([[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'],
                                          [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']])])

    stage('testCashierAPI') {
    catchError {
            sh '''#!/bin/bash -il
            newman run APITestForCashier.postman_collection.json -e Cashier.dev_environment.json -g postman_globals.json -r cli,html --reporter-html-export report/reportCashier.html
        if (currentBuild.result == 'FAILURE')
            step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true,
            recipients: emailextrecipients([[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'],
                                          [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']])])


    stage('Results') {
        publishHTML([allowMissing: true, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true, keepAll: true, reportDir: '/home/jenkins/work/workspace/APITest_Daily/report', reportFiles: 'reportWeb.html', reportName: 'HTML Report Web', reportTitles: 'Web端接口测试'])
        publishHTML([allowMissing: true, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true, keepAll: true, reportDir: '/home/jenkins/work/workspace/APITest_Daily/report', reportFiles: 'reportAPP.html', reportName: 'HTML Report APP', reportTitles: 'APP端接口测试'])
        publishHTML([allowMissing: true, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true, keepAll: true, reportDir: '/home/jenkins/work/workspace/APITest_Daily/report', reportFiles: 'reportCashier.html', reportName: 'HTML Report Cashier', reportTitles: '收银台端接口测试'])
