
Low-Level Insights on iOS Input Events

What Are Input Events

iOS uses events concept to handle signals received from different input devices. An event is an object, which is generated in response to a signal from an input device.
These objects are then delivered to the corresponding kernel subsystem, which processes them
and notifies all listening processes about taps, key presses, swipes, etc.
This means that in order to emulate a signal generated by
an external device, such as touch screen, it is necessary to just send event objects with
the same properties and in the same sequence as they would be generated by a real device.

Lets Simulate a Single Tap

The events API itself is a part of Apple private API and is not open sourced and neither
it is documented. XCTest framework also does not expose any public APIs for input events
generation. Although, there is a possibility to perform events generation via XCTest
private undocumented APIs. In particular, we are interested in XCPointerEventPath and XCSynthesizedEventRecord interfaces.
These APIs allow to create chains of input events and supply them to the system kernel for execution.

In order to synthesize a single tap it is necessary to:

  • Create a new XCPointerEventPath instance and init it for touch at the starting point
  • Add a new liftUp event at 0.125s offset using liftUpAtOffset: method
  • Add the generated event path object to XCSynthesizedEventRecord instance using addPointerEventPath: method
  • Execute the events using synthesizeWithError: method of XCSynthesizedEventRecord instance and control the returned error

There are several limitations to these APIs:

  • Each XCPointerEventPath instance can only be executed for a single action. If one tries to add, for example, two taps to a single path, then these are effectively ignored
  • Each XCPointerEventPath instance can only be initialized for a particular pointer type: touch, mouse (since Xcode 10.2) or keyboard (since Xcode 10.2)
  • Events can only be added with increasing offset values to an existing XCPointerEventPath instance

How About More Complicated Actions

Unfortunately, the API is private and has zero documentation.
That is why one can only figure out what it really can while playing with it and trying different
input combinations.
It is known that providing multiple XCPointerEventPath instances with
overlapping timeouts will generate a multitouch action with the amount of fingers equal
to the amount of the supplied event paths.
So, in order to generate two-finger symmetric swipe we need to supply the following events:

  • Create a two XCPointerEventPath instances and init them for touch at the starting point
  • Add a moveToPoint event at 0.525s offset using moveToPoint: method to each path
  • Add a liftUp eventa at 0.525s offset using liftUpAtOffset: method to each path
  • Add the generated event paths to XCSynthesizedEventRecord instance using addPointerEventPath: method
  • Execute the events using synthesizeWithError: method of XCSynthesizedEventRecord instance and control the returned error

Further Reading

Unfortunately, there is no information on this topic at all (private API ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Consider visiting the following resources:

官方链接为:Low-Level Insights on iOS Input Events - Appium