
Appium Logs Filtering

Sometimes it might be necessary to hide sensitive information, like passwords, identifiers, hashes, etc from the server log.
Since version 1.18.0 Appium supports --log-filters command line argument.
This argument allows to provide the path to a special config file, containing one or more log obfuscation rules.

Config Format

The filtering config must be a valid JSON file containing array of filtering rules.
Each rule is an object with a set of predefined properties.
The following rule properties are supported:

  • pattern: A valid Javascript RegExp pattern to replace. Must be a valid non-empty pattern.
  • text: A simple non-empty exact text match to replace. Either this property or the above one must be provided. pattern has priority over text if both are provided.
  • flags: Regular expression flags for the given pattern. Supported flags are the same as for the standard JavaScript RegExp constructor: Regular expressions - JavaScript | MDN. The ‘g’ (global matching) flag is always enabled though.
  • replacer: The replacer value to use. By default equals to **SECURE**. Could also be an empty value.

Config Examples

Replace all occurrences of string with the default replacer:

        "text": ""

Replace all occurrences of my.magic.<any char> string with a custom replacer (case insensitive):

        "pattern": "my\\.magic\\.\\w",
        "flags": "i",
        "replacer": "***"

Replace all occurrences of my.magic.<any chars> and/or your.magic strings with a custom replacer (case insensitive):

        "pattern": "my\\.magic\\.\\w+",
        "flags": "i",
        "replacer": "***"
        "pattern": "your\\.magic",
        "flags": "i",
        "replacer": "***"

Cut off all log lines to max 15 chars (advanced):

        "pattern": "(.{1,15}).*",
        "flags": "s",
        "replacer": "$1"

Config Errors Handling

If any of config rules contains invalid items (such as empty/invalid pattern, empty rule, etc.) then Appium will print the detailed report about collected errors and will fail to start until these errors are addressed.

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