Apache Way介绍

apache way官方介绍




Ask any of The Apache Software Foundation’s 730+ Members about The Apache Way and you’ll get as many answers as to what it is. In fact, we surveyed the greater Apache user and developer community and were fascinated with their responses

向Apache Software Foundation的730多个成员中的任何一个询问有关Apache Way的信息,您将获得关于它的含义的尽可能多的答案。实际上,我们调查了更大的Apache用户和开发人员社区,并对他们的响应着迷




The Apache Way is a living, breathing interpretation of one’s experience with our community-led development process. Apache projects and their communities are unique, diverse, and focused on the activities needed at a particular stage of the project’s lifetime, including nurturing communities, developing great code, and building awareness. What is important is that they embrace:

“ Apache之路”生动地诠释了我们在社区主导的开发过程中的经历。 Apache项目及其社区是独特,多样化的,并且专注于项目生命周期特定阶段所需的活动,包括培育社区,开发出色的代码和建立知名度。重要的是他们要拥抱:

  • Earned Authority: all individuals are given the opportunity to participate, but their influence is based on publicly earned merit – what they contribute to the community. Merit lies with the individual, does not expire, is not influenced by employment status or employer, and is non-transferable (merit earned in one project cannot be applied to another). More on merit.


  • Community of Peers: individuals participate at the ASF, not organizations. The ASF’s flat structure dictates that roles are equal irrespective of title, votes hold equal weight, and contributions are made on a volunteer basis (even if paid to work on Apache code). The Apache community is expected to treat each other with respect in adherence to our Code of Conduct. Domain expertise is appreciated; Benevolent Dictators For Life are disallowed. More on individual participation.

对等社区:个人参加ASF,而不是组织。 ASF的扁平化结构规定,无论职位高低,投票权重相同,角色都是平等的,并且贡献是自愿的(即使为使用Apache代码而付出的代价也是如此)。希望Apache社区在遵守我们的行为准则方面互相尊重。熟悉领域专业知识;禁止终身仁慈的独裁者。

  • Open Communications: as a virtual organization, the ASF requires all communications related to code and decision-making to be publicly accessible to ensure asynchronous collaboration, as necessitated by a globally-distributed community. Project mailing lists are archived, publicly accessible, and include:


  • dev@ (primary project development);
  • user@ (user community discussion and peer support);
  • commits@ (automated source change notifications); and
  • occasionally supporting roles such as marketing@ (project visibility),
    …as well as restricted, day-to-day operational lists for Project Management Committees. Private decisions on code, policies, or project direction are disallowed; off-list discourse and transactions must be brought on-list. More on communications and the use of mailing lists.


  • Consensus Decision Making: Apache Projects are overseen by a self-selected team of active volunteers who are contributing to their respective projects. Projects are auto-governing with a heavy slant towards driving consensus to maintain momentum and productivity. Whilst total consensus is not possible to establish at all times, holding a vote or other coordination may be required to help remove any blocks with binding decisions, such as when declaring a release. More on decision making and voting.


  • Responsible Oversight: The ASF governance model is based on trust and delegated oversight. Rather than detailed rules and hierarchical structures, ASF governance is principles-based, with self-governing projects providing reports directly to the Board. Apache Committers help each other by making peer-reviewed commits, employing mandatory security measures, ensuring license compliance, and protecting the Apache brand and community at-large from abuse. More on responsibility.

负责任的监督:ASF治理模型基于信任和委派监督。 ASF治理不是基于详细的规则和层次结构,而是基于原则的,自治项目直接向董事会提供报告。 Apache Committer通过做出经过同行评审的提交,采用强制性的安全措施,确保许可证合规性以及保护Apache品牌和整个社区免受滥用来互相帮助。

  • Independence: the ASF is strictly vendor neutral. No organization is able to gain special privileges or control a project’s direction, irrespective of employing Committers to work on Apache projects or sponsorship status. More on project independence.


  • Community Over Code: the maxim “Community Over Code” is frequently reinforced throughout the Apache community, as the ASF asserts that a healthy community is a higher priority than good code. Strong communities can always rectify problems with their code, whereas an unhealthy community will likely struggle to maintain a codebase in a sustainable manner. More on healthy community development.


There is no “one way” to The Apache Way. The ASF is not dictatorial and will never compel a rigid path to implement our process, as we believe flexibility is integral to The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success.

Apache之路没有“单向”。 ASF不是独裁的,绝不会强迫实施我们的流程的僵化之路,因为我们相信灵活性是Apache可持续开源成功之路不可或缺的一部分。

“The unbroken success of Apache still has important lessons to teach us… The Apache community has succeeded not just in developing great code, it has managed to distil the essence of the development process and ethos in such a way that other cognate projects can adopt and adapt it.”
—Glyn Moody, “Learning from The Apache Way”

“ Apache的不间断成功仍旧有许多重要的教训可以教给我们… Apache社区不仅在开发出色的代码方面取得了成功,而且还设法以其他同类项目可以使用的方式来分发开发过程和精神的精髓。采纳并适应它。” 格林·穆迪(Glyn Moody),“从阿帕奇之路学习”

Our model, refined over the past 20 years, has produced some of the largest and longest-lived Open Source projects that have revolutionized the industry. We welcome constructive discussion on The Apache Way and look forward to doing so in person at a future Apache event.

我们在过去20年中不断完善的模型产生了一些规模最大,寿命最长的开放源代码项目,这些项目彻底改变了整个行业。我们欢迎有关“ Apache之路”的建设性讨论,并期待在将来的Apache活动中亲自进行。