
:mage:‍ 在面试的时候有一道算法题,要求编写一个函数,判断一个给定的字符串s,能否可以由另外两个子串part1和part2合成。 注意,part1和part2中的字母原有顺序必须和s中出现的顺序是一致的。

输入:s='hogwarts', part1='hws', part2='ogart'

题目来源:CodeWars-Merged String Checker

def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str)-> bool:
    # your code here

assert solution('hogwarts','hws','ogart') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'code', 'wars') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'cod', 'wars') is False

def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str) -> bool:
   # if len(s) != len(part1) + len(part2):
    #    return False
    cursor1 = cursor2 = 0
    for word in s:
        if cursor1 < len(part1) and word == part1[cursor1]:
            cursor1 += 1
        elif cursor2 < len(part2) and word == part2[cursor2]:
            cursor2 += 1
            return False
    return True

1 个赞
def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str)-> bool:
    # your code here
    part1_list = list(part1)
    part2_list = list(part2)
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if len(part1_list) != 0 and s[i] == part1_list[0]:
        elif len(part2_list) != 0 and s[i] == part2_list[0]:
            return False
    if len(part1_list) == 0 and len(part2_list) == 0:
        return True
        return False

assert solution('hogwarts','hws','ogart') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'code', 'wars') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'cod', 'wars') is False
assert solution('hogwartsworld','hwsrd','ogartwol') is True
assert solution('hogwartsworld','hwswod','ogartrl') is True
def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str)-> bool:
    if sorted(s) != sorted(part1+part2):
        return False
     res1,res2= '',''
    for letter in s:
        if part1 !='' and part1[0] == letter:
            res1 += letter
            part1 = part1[1:]
        if part2 !='' and part2[0] == letter:
            res2 += letter
            part2 = part2[1:]
    if sorted(res1+res2) == sorted(s):
        return True
        return False
def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str)-> bool:
    # your code here
    if len(s) != len(part1) + len(part2):
        return False
    for i in s:
        if len(part1) > 0 and i == part1[0]:
            part1 = part1.replace(i, '', 1)
        elif len(part2) > 0 and i == part2[0]:
            part2 = part2.replace(i, '', 1)
            return False
        return True

assert solution('hogwarts','hws','ogart') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'code', 'wars') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'cod', 'wars') is False
assert solution('sssyyysss', 'ssyys', 'syss') is True

assert solution(‘hwhharts’, ‘hhs’, ‘hwart’) is True

assert solution(“hwhharts”, “hwhs”, “hart”) is True
assert solution(“hwhharts”, “hhs”, “whart”) is True

def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str)-> bool:
    # your code here
    list1 = []
    a = s
    if len(s) != len(part1) + len(part2):
        return False
        for i in range(len(part1)):
            a = a.replace(part1[i],"",1)
        for j in part1:
            s = s.replace(j,"",1)
        if sorted(list1) == list1 and s == part2:
            return True
            return False

assert solution('hogwarts','hws','ogart') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'code', 'wars') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'cod', 'wars') is False
def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str)-> bool:
# your code here
if len(s) != len(part1 + part2):
    return False
for i in s:
    if len(part1) > 0 and part1[0] == i:
        part1 = part1.replace(part1[0], "")
    elif len(part2) > 0 and part2[0] == i:
        part2 = part2.replace(part2[0], "")
        return False
return True

assert solution('hogwarts', 'hws', 'ogart') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'code', 'wars') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'cod', 'wars') is False

大佬们的用例很犀利 :call_me_hand:

def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str) -> bool:
    def func(s: str, part1: str, part2: str):
        new_str = ""
        for char in s:
            if char == part1[0]:
                new_str += part1[0]
                if len(part1) > 1:
                    part1 = part1[1::]
                new_str += part2[0]
                if len(part2) > 1:
                    part2 = part2[1::]
        return new_str == s
    return func(s, part1, part2) or func(s, part2, part1)

assert solution('hogwarts', 'hws', 'ogart') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'code', 'wars') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'cod', 'wars') is False
assert solution('sssyyysss', 'ssyys', 'syss') is True
assert solution('hwhharts', 'hhs', 'hwart') is True
assert solution('hogwartsworld','hwsrd','ogartwol') is True
assert solution('hogwartsworld','hwswod','ogartrl') is True
1 个赞

你貌似解决了先part2再part1的情况,但是情况更为复杂就不行了,assert solution(‘ababab’, ‘bab’, ‘aba ’) is True

不过我明白大佬的意思 :call_me_hand:例如,下面我的这组cases,在座各位无人通过 :boom:

assert solution('hogwarts','hws','ogart') is True
assert solution('abaaabaa', 'abaa', 'aaab') is True
assert solution('codewars', 'cod', 'wars') is False
assert solution('haah', 'ha', 'ha') is False


def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str) -> bool:
    if len(s) - len(part1) - len(part2) != 0:
        return False

    def func(s, part1, part2):
        if len(s) == len(part1) == len(part2) == 0:
            return True
        if len(part1) > 0 and s[0] == part1[0]:
            return func(s[1::], part1[1::], part2) or func(s[1::], part2, part1[1::])
        elif len(part2) > 0 and s[0] == part2[0]:
            return func(s[1::], part1, part2[1::]) or func(s[1::], part2[1::], part1)
        return False
    return func(s, part1, part2) or func(s, part2, part1)
1 个赞
    def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str) -> bool:
        if len(part1)+len(part2) != len(s):return False
        s1,s2 = '',''
        for i in s:
            if i in part1:s1 += i
            if i in part2:s2 += i
        for i in part1:
            if i not in s1:return False
        for i in part2:
            if i not in s2:return False
        return True

因为 ‘haah’ 只有一个子串 ‘ha’
所以 那条断言不符合题意


assert solution('haahheihei', 'haheihei', 'ha') is False

另外s有重复字符,比如hologwarts part1为howts,part2为olgar,执行结果也不对


x, y = 0, 0
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if x < len(part1) and s[i] == part1[x]:
            x = x + 1
        elif y < len(part2) and s[i] == part2[y]:
            y = y + 1
            return False
    if len(s) == x + y and x + y == len(part2) + len(part1):
        return True
        return False
assert solution('haah', 'ha', 'ha') is False

这条用例到底怎么不符合题意了?题目中哪里提到?烦请赐教 @1727375395_3146


‘haah’ 只有一个子串 ‘ha’

是认真的吗? 'haah’的子串有:‘h’, ‘a’, ‘ha’, ‘aa’, ‘ah’, ‘haa’, ‘aah’, ‘haah’, ‘’ 呢


def solution(s: str, part1: str, part2: str)-> bool:
    if len(s) <= 1:
        return s == part1 + part2
    elif len(part1) > 0 and len(part2) > 0 and s[0] == part1[0] and s[0] == part2[0]:
        return solution(s[1:], part1[1:], part2) or solution(s[1:], part1, part2[1:])
    elif len(part1) > 0 and s[0] == part1[0]:
        return solution(s[1:], part1[1:], part2)
    elif len(part2) > 0 and s[0] == part2[0]:
        return solution(s[1:], part1, part2[1:])
    return False
1 个赞