2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [AppCrawler$.326.addLogFile] ------------------------------------------------- appcrawler v2.7.4 全平台自动遍历测试工具 Q&A: https://ceshiren.com/c/opensource/appcrawler author: 思寒_seveniruby 天马 霍格沃兹测试开发学社 ------------------------------------------------- 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [AppCrawler$.329.addLogFile] result directory = 20220909112605_com.xueqiu.android 2022-09-09 11:26:11 DEBUG [AppCrawler$.44.getGlobalEncoding] default Charset=UTF-8 2022-09-09 11:26:11 DEBUG [AppCrawler$.45.getGlobalEncoding] default file.encoding=UTF-8 2022-09-09 11:26:11 DEBUG [AppCrawler$.46.getGlobalEncoding] project directory=/Users/sh00347ml/Documents/code 2022-09-09 11:26:11 DEBUG [Crawler.123.start] crawl config 2022-09-09 11:26:11 DEBUG [Crawler.124.start] --- capabilityDescription: "appium的capability通用配置,其中automationName代表自动化的驱动引擎,除了支持appium的\ 所有引擎外,额外增加了adb和selenium的支持" capability: appActivity: ".main.view.MainVisitorActivity" appium: "" noReset: "true" dontStopAppOnReset: "false" app: "/Users/sh00347ml/Documents/code/appMonkey/xueqiu.apk" appPackage: "com.xueqiu.android" fullReset: "false" waitAppLoadedTimeoutDescription: "隐式等待app加载完成的最大时间 ms" waitAppLoadedTimeout: 10000 waitAppLoadedDescription: "显式等待app加载完成的判断条件" waitAppLoaded: - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[contains(@text, 'App')]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 implicitlyWaitTestCaseDescription: "在测试用例执行阶段隐式等待一个控件出现的最大时间 ms" implicitlyWaitTestCase: 3000 implicitlyWaitCrawlDescription: "在遍历阶段隐式等待一个控件出现的最大时间 ms" implicitlyWaitCrawl: 0 testcaseDescription: "测试用例设置,用于遍历开始之前的一些前置操作,比如自动登录" testcase: name: "AppCrawler TestCase" steps: - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "/*/*" action: "Thread.sleep(1000)" actions: [] times: -1 maxTimeDescription: "最大运行时间" maxTime: 10800 maxDepthDescription: "默认的最大深度10, 结合baseUrl可很好的控制遍历的范围" maxDepth: 10 selectedListDescription: "默认遍历列表,只有出现在这个列表里的控件范围才会被遍历" selectedList: - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[contains(name(), 'Button')]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[contains(name(), 'Text') and @clickable='true' and string-length(@text)<10]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[@clickable='true']//*[contains(name(), 'Text') and string-length(@text)<10]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[contains(name(), 'Image') and @clickable='true']" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[@clickable='true']/*[contains(name(), 'Image')]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[contains(name(), 'Image') and @name!='']" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[contains(name(), 'Text') and @name!='' and string-length(@label)<10]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//a" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[contains(@class, 'Text') and @clickable='true' and string-length(@text)<10]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[@clickable='true']//*[contains(@class, 'Text') and string-length(@text)<10]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[contains(@class, 'Image') and @clickable='true']" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[@clickable='true']/*[contains(@class, 'Image')]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[@clickable='true' and contains(@class, 'Button')]" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 triggerActionsDescription: "在遍历过程中需要随时处理的一些操作,比如弹框、登录等" triggerActions: - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "permission_allow_button" action: "" actions: [] times: 3 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "允许" action: "" actions: [] times: 3 blackListDescription: "黑名单列表 matches风格, 默认排除内容包含2个数字的控件" blackList: - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: ".*[0-9]{2}.*" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "Get Music" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 firstListDescription: "优先遍历列表,同时出现在selectedList与firstList中的控件会被优先遍历" firstList: [] lastListDescription: "最后遍历列表,同时出现在selectedList与lastList中的控件会被最后遍历" lastList: - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[@selected='true']/..//*" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[@selected='true']/../..//*" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 backButtonDescription: "后退按钮列表,默认在所有控件遍历完成后,才会最后点击后退按钮。目前具备了自动判断返回按钮的能力,默认不需要配置" backButton: - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "Navigate up" action: "" actions: [] times: -1 xpathAttributesDescription: "在生成一个控件的唯一定位符中应该包含的关键属性" xpathAttributes: - "name()" - "name" - "label" - "value" - "resource-id" - "content-desc" - "text" - "id" - "name" - "innerText" - "tag" - "class" sortByAttributeDescription: "陆续根据属性进行遍历排序微调,depth表示从dom中最深层的控件开始遍历,list表示dom中列表优先,\ selected表示菜单最后遍历,这是默认规则,一般不需要改变" sortByAttribute: - "depth" - "list" - "selected" findByDescription: "默认生成控件唯一定位符的表达式风格,可选项 default|android|id|xpath,默认会自动判断是否使用android定\ 位或者ios定位" findBy: "xpath" baseUrlDescription: "设置一个起始点,从这个起始点开始计算深度,比如默认从登录后的界面开始计算" baseUrl: [] appWhiteListDescription: "app白名单,允许在这些app里进行遍历" appWhiteList: [] urlBlackListDescription: "url黑名单,用于排除某些页面的遍历" urlBlackList: [] urlWhiteListDescription: "url白名单,仅在这些界面内遍历" urlWhiteList: [] beforeRestartDescription: "在重启session之前做的事情" beforeRestart: [] beforeElementDescription: "在遍历每个控件之前默认执行的动作" beforeElement: [] afterElementDescription: "在遍历每个控件之后默认执行的动作" afterElement: [] afterElementWaitDescription: "在遍历每个控件之后默认等待的时间,用于等待新页面加载" afterElementWait: 1000 afterAllDescription: "在遍历完当前页面内的所有控件后,是否需要刷新或者滑动" afterAll: [] afterAllMaxDescription: "afterAll的最大重试次数,比如连续滑动2次都没新元素即取消" afterAllMax: 2 tagLimitMaxDescription: "相似控件最多点击几次" tagLimitMax: 20 tagAttributesDescription: "用于判断是否是相似控件的关键属性,祖先节点具备相同的属性认为是相似" tagAttributes: - "name()" - "name" - "label" - "resource-id" - "content-desc" - "id" - "name" - "tag" - "class" tagLimitDescription: "设置部分相似控件的最大遍历次数" tagLimit: - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "确定" action: "" actions: [] times: 1000 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "取消" action: "" actions: [] times: 1000 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "share_comment_guide_btn_name" action: "" actions: [] times: 1000 - given: [] when: null then: [] xpath: "//*[contains(@class, 'List')]//*" action: "" actions: [] times: 2 assertGlobalDescription: "全局断言" assertGlobal: [] suiteNameDescription: "报告中的测试套件名字可以由列表内的控件内容替换,增强报告中关键界面的辨识度" suiteName: - "//*[@selected='true']//android.widget.TextView/@text" screenshotDescription: "是否截图" screenshot: true reportTitleDescription: "报告的title" reportTitle: "AppCrawler" resultDirDescription: "结果目录,如果为空会自动创建对应时间戳_报名的结果目录" resultDir: "20220909112605_com.xueqiu.android" showCancelDescription: "是否展示跳过的控件记录" showCancel: true pluginListDescription: "插件列表,暂时禁用,太高级了,很多人不会用" Description: "。在selectedList firstList lastList等很多配置中,需要填充的是测试步骤Step类型。Step类型由given(\ 满足条件)when(条件满足的行为)then(断言)三部分组成。Step可以简化为xpath(定位表达式,支持xpath 正则 包含关系)与action(点击\ \ 输入等行为)。" pluginList: [] 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Crawler.126.start] set xpath attribute with List(name(), name, label, value, resource-id, content-desc, text, id, name, innerText, tag, class) 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Crawler.130.start] set tag attribute with List(name(), name, label, resource-id, content-desc, id, name, tag, class) 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Crawler.100.$anonfun$loadPlugins$3] com.ceshiren.appcrawler.plugin.TagLimitPlugin@30d4b288 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Crawler.100.$anonfun$loadPlugins$3] com.ceshiren.appcrawler.plugin.ReportPlugin@4cc6fa2a 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Crawler.100.$anonfun$loadPlugins$3] com.ceshiren.appcrawler.plugin.FreeMind@40f1be1b 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Plugin.22.init] com.ceshiren.appcrawler.plugin.TagLimitPlugin init 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Plugin.22.init] com.ceshiren.appcrawler.plugin.ReportPlugin init 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Plugin.22.init] com.ceshiren.appcrawler.plugin.FreeMind init 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [ReportFactory$.33.initReportPath] reportPath=/Users/sh00347ml/Documents/code/appMonkey/AppCrawler/20220909112605_com.xueqiu.android 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [ReportFactory$.35.initReportPath] testcaseDir=/Users/sh00347ml/Documents/code/appMonkey/AppCrawler/20220909112605_com.xueqiu.android/tmp/ 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [ReportFactory$.38.initReportPath] create /Users/sh00347ml/Documents/code/appMonkey/AppCrawler/20220909112605_com.xueqiu.android/tmp directory 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Crawler.137.start] prepare setup Appium 2022-09-09 11:26:11 INFO [Crawler.299.setupCrawler] afterAllMax=2 2022-09-09 11:26:13 INFO [Crawler.308.setupDriver] 2022-09-09 11:26:13 INFO [Crawler.344.setupDriver] use AppiumClient 2022-09-09 11:26:13 INFO [AppiumClient.45.] Capabilities {app: /Users/sh00347ml/Documents/..., appActivity: .main.view.MainVisitorActivity, appPackage: com.xueqiu.android, appium:, deviceName: demo, dontStopAppOnReset: false, fullReset: false, newCommandTimeout: 120, noReset: true}